Monday 22 April 6.30 – 8.00pm
Free event for up to 20 ppl
Potluck vegan meal – bring a dish (no soup)
Bondi location advised on registration
Immersing ourselves in nature helps us destress, relax and feel happier, says Forest Therapy
Guide, Dr Sarah Brikké. Sarah believes that now, more than ever, it is essential to invest in our health and wellbeing as an antidote to the noise and ‘busyness’ of our lives.
The proven practice of Forest Therapy (aka forest bathing) is one of the most effective ways to
promote a balanced and joyful life. Sarah’s approach is to lead others through powerful immersive experiences, while offering lasting tools to change the way we relate to ourselves, each other and our environment.
RSVP here by Sat 20 April to reserve your place at our Bondi table.
We look forward to your company.
Dr Sarah Brikké is an accredited and certified Forest Therapy Guide, an Environmental Educator
(Northern Beaches Council, Ku-Ring-Gai Council, Sydney Olympic Park Authority), a Park Ranger
and a mother. She holds more than 15 years experience working in the field of environmental
education and sustainability globally.
She founded Healing with Nature in 2020.