Precious Water

Precious Water

Based on WATER PUZZLE event with Transition Bondi 3.3.22  Where does our water come from? Table of Content Where does our water come from?Where does it go after we ‘use’ it?Why are we running out of water?What is our water footprint?What to do? Introduction “Water is the source of life on earth. It is also the…

Earth burning

Hope and action to better face and heal a disrupted climate

On the 9th of August 2021, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the IPCC Working Group I sixth assessment report (AR6,I). The report addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change. UN Secretary-General António Guterres, classified the report as a “code red for humanity”. Does it mean it…


Responsible Runners Cleanup Lockdown Challenge (and a rosemary swap)!

Responsible Runners Bondi started more than a decade ago, with a group of friends willing to pick up rubbish as they jogged along Bondi Beach. It became mainstream and the movement grew up in other suburbs to do regular clean-ups. The local Bondi group started again in November 2020 with a monthly event. The format…

Six Thinking Hats – Constructive Meeting and Discussion

Six Thinking Hats – Constructive Meeting and Discussion

At Transition Bondi’s June Inner Transition event we learned a fun process for discussions and meetings, called Six Thinking Hats. This process is like a language to use, and to navigate the often complex dynamics in group communications. Six colours described as followed: One colour for information, another for caution, one for creativity, one for…

How to leave only footprints on our local beaches? Join Responsible Runners Bondi.

In November 2020, Responsible Runners Bondi came back with a new monthly event to keep the local beaches free of littering and educate people about the health and environmental risks of single-use waste and plastic. Two local volunteers at Transition Bondi, Mylene and Kerry,  took over from a previous Leader, Mei Li. The group was…

Looped Festival, a Circular Economy Event in Sydney.

By Anna Jane Linke and Mylene Turban November 2020 Australia’s first-ever circular economy festival, Looped Festival, hit the shores of Little Bay, Sydney at the Prince Henry Centre, on Sunday, 29th November 2020. Clare Press, founder of The Wardrobe Crisis, hosted the festival and facilitated robust discussions on using the circular economy to shift our…