Secret Science of Soil

Secret Science of Soil

Based on The Secret Science of Soil event co-hosted by Steve Batley and Kit Shepherd. Steve studied landscape architecture at Uni; worked in that field for 20 years then he studied Permaculture under Fiona Campbell and Russ Grayson (Sydney elders in the Permaculture network, now living in Tasmania). For the past 15 years he’s been…

May News

May News

FRIENDSHIP | LIQUID GOLD | BONDI  CLEAN UP | GARDEN BEE | It was great to be back at the Bondi Markets (2nd & 4th Saturday of the month) interacting with the humming, colourful crowd and enjoying the gorgeous autumn weather.  You really could feel the energy in the air.  We chatted with what seemed…

The ‘Collage’  Phenomenon: Climate Fresk, Water Puzzle, Circular Economy Collage

The ‘Collage’ Phenomenon: Climate Fresk, Water Puzzle, Circular Economy Collage

There’s an exciting innovation in climate and sustainability education, that is beginning to grow in Australia. Originating in France, the event goes by names like Climate Fresk*, Water Puzzle, Circular Economy Fresk. They are a gamified form of learning dense material.  The originator is a French professor who was concerned that in his university courses…

April News

April News

REVOLUTION WITHIN | SOIL SCIENCE | FRIENDSHIP | GARDEN BEE | Now, more than ever we see the value of organisations like the Transition Towns movement, who work at the local level to bring people together to move towards a just and low-carbon future.  People on the east coast have been left reeling after another…

Precious Water

Precious Water

Based on WATER PUZZLE event with Transition Bondi 3.3.22  Where does our water come from? Table of Content Where does our water come from?Where does it go after we ‘use’ it?Why are we running out of water?What is our water footprint?What to do? Introduction “Water is the source of life on earth. It is also the…

Prof Veena Sahajwalla Re-Cycling Superstar

Our hour with Veena Sahajwalla: Embracing the Circular Economy

Reduce – Reuse – Recycle – Reform The queen of recycling materials was our guest in February.  Veena Sahajwalla graced us with her generous and lively presence and painted pictures of what is possible in the realm of using waste as a resource.  From local modular factories to rural and community micro facilities…. We learned…

Zero Waste East

Zero Waste East

If you’re looking for ways to design out waste in your life and reduce your carbon footprint, Transition Bondi has teamed up with Plastic Free Bronte to create Zero Waste East – a resource of tips you can integrate into your daily life.  Over the years we have become accustomed to buying, using a product…

Transition Bondi Team

Heart head and hands as we wave goodbye to 2021

We have had a full and ful-filling year, weaving our way among the obstacles of COVID and other vagaries of life. Continuing our online education events (now called Community Café) we hosted some creative and hard-hitting presentations on ‘climate’ – Climate Parties (yes it’s fun becoming informed, with a bunch of buddies!), Food in a…