October Talk and (Home) Feast: The Offers and Needs Market

By Mario Paredes Someone in your community has the missing piece to help you move your ideas and projects to the next level; the trick is to know who they are. An Offers and Needs Market (https://www.postgrowth.org/offers-and-needs-markets) is a fast process where you (virtually) meet likeminded people who want to create a better economy, and…

Bondi Blitz Festival and Coogee Beach Clean Up

Bondi Blitz Festival and Coogee Beach Clean Up

Transition Bondi is busily planning a month of events for Plastic Free July in collaboration with Waverley Council and other community groups in our area. We want to take the opportunity to look back and acknowledge two great events which have happened in April organised by Seaside Scavenge and Responsible Runners Coogee! We want to…

A Dough-licious Evening

A Dough-licious Evening

Words by Alex Transition Bondi had the pleasure of hosting Oliver from Bread4Change at the Inner Transition event during May. I walked eagerly home from work that day! An extra skip in my step as my mind journeyed into imaginings of future gatherings with friends, enjoying my newly-learned, yet-to-be mastered skill. There’s few I have…