By Kit Shepherd 12th of December 2020 The laneways near my home in Bondi have been my highway to well-being in the time of COVID, lockdowns, and restrictions on social contacts.  They kept me buoyant during the fires last year. And tending the laneways has been a form of vigil or prayer to Earth amidst the…

Community Composting at Transition Bondi

Community Composting at Transition Bondi

First of all thank you to our regular veg scrap donors for your patience during covid-19 and the temporary closure of the compost bins. As restrictions are easing, we are opening the Community Composting System again. It’s wonderful that so many people are involved in this system and dedicated to converting their scraps into soil instead of…

A big thank you to our Buzzy Dig Day Participants!!

A big thank you to our Buzzy Dig Day Participants!!

At our April Dig Day in the Community Garden, we participated in the Autumn Wild Pollinator Count. Each of us spent 10 minutes staring at a flowering plant and counting which pollinators paid a visit. This humble task may seem inconsequential, but think again… thanks to your efforts and those of hundreds of others around…