Thank you Gloria

Thank you Gloria

By Kit Shepherd It was with a degree of sadness, but much gratitude, that we acknowledge the contribution of one of our core members, who has had to step back from her duties with Transition Bondi (TB).Gloria’s departure leaves a big gap in our team and in my mind and heart, as she was not…



Last summer when in Takayna (the Tarkine in Tasmania), sipping tea, I was recommended the Carbon Almanac. The book is one of the most wonderful books on climate change, climate justice and climate action with a page dedicated to a particular issue and links to further references (how aptly named an almanac). This book won…

Looking back at 2023
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Looking back at 2023

By Kit Shepherd, Convenor, Transition Bondi, 30.11.23 This year we’ve covered a lot of territory and had the pleasure welcoming new people into ourgroup and sadly saying goodbye to others who were passing through and got on board for a shorttime….Our hearty crew has been steering the boat as volunteers with Transition Bondi, facing the…

Transition Bondi Team

Heart head and hands as we wave goodbye to 2021

We have had a full and ful-filling year, weaving our way among the obstacles of COVID and other vagaries of life. Continuing our online education events (now called Community Café) we hosted some creative and hard-hitting presentations on ‘climate’ – Climate Parties (yes it’s fun becoming informed, with a bunch of buddies!), Food in a…

Lessons in winning over a sceptical audience from the regenerative agriculture community

Lessons in winning over a sceptical audience from the regenerative agriculture community

Image: The Mulloon Institute – Before and After: Mulloon Creek in 1977 and 2015 Article written by Kimberley Crofts posted here On Thursday evening I attended my first Transition Bondi Film & Feast night—online of course. The two films were about regenerative agriculture and, after watching them and going down a few other rabbit holes,…

Film & (Home)Feast: Regenerative Agriculture

Film & (Home)Feast: Regenerative Agriculture

It’s been such an exciting time to take our events online! Making the most of connecting with individuals and communities who live outside the local Bondi area… and that was most certainly the case at our most recent event Film & (home)Feast: Regenerative Agriculture. We tuned into living rooms and kitchen tables across Bondi, Melbourne,…