Guest Dinner: Building Community & Connection with sociodramatist Nikki McCoy
Monday 24 June, 6.30 – 8.00pm
Free event for up to 20 ppl
Bring a plate – vegan (no soup
Bondi location advised on registration
An evening with sociodramatist Nikki McCoy on the theme Building Community & Connection. Through this approach, we’ll unlock our creative expression, share perspectives and desire for community and discover what’s missing and how to bring what we want forth.
This is a rare opportunity to experience this method with a visiting practitioner of sociodrama and psychodrama – Nikki McCoy. No prior experience required.

Nikki is a psychodramatist who works with First Nations’ men and women in Alice Springs Prison, running trauma healing groups using action methods and theatre as therapy.
Bondi location provided upon RSVP.
RSVP here