Guest Dinner – Powerful listening for thoughtful action
WITH Kit Shepherd
Tuesday Nov 19th 7 – 8:30pm
Event for up to 20 ppl.
Donation welcome.
Bring a plate – vegan (no soup)
Bondi location advised on booking.
RSVP free here
Powerful Listening for Thoughtful Action – is presented by Kit Shepherd, a human behaviour adult educator and re- evaluation counsellor. Hone your listening/action ability at this not-to-be-missed Inner Transition evening to learn simple and powerful listening processes that can help you move into action, and not be hijacked by your feelings or other’s judgement.
How does listening help us to act?
Do you ever long to be fully heard?
How to develop good attention as listeners?
How to stop our feelings from hijacking our good thinking?
We all need the opportunity to be heard, without judgement. Feelings of inadequacy can prevent us from acting powerfully in the world. In this workshop, you’ll gain insight into your own conditioning, learn simple listening processes, and find ways to move through what holds you back in life.

About Kit Shepherd
Growing up in a large family gave Kit the appetite for understanding human interactions and behaviour. Her professional life was as educator in communication, with adults in marginalised settings. She is a long-term practitioner of re-evaluation counselling.