How volunteering with Transition Bondi changed our lives in Sydney
Words by Jonas and Gabriela
We had been in Sydney for a few months when we discovered Transition Bondi in October of last year. Unfortunately, our time in the organization will be short as we will leave Australia already in May. Even though we’ve only spent a few months with Transition Bondi, the organisation has had a significant impact in our Sydney lives.
Living in a big city and all that it means in terms of money, job and stress, it can easily distance us from nature, the environment and things that really matters us.
At least this is what we felt living here. We knew of the transition movement from our home countries, Sweden and Brazil, so we tried to get in touch with local organizations and found Transition Bondi. After attending the Film & Feast just a couple of times, we got a very genuine, warm and welcoming impression of the team.
Shortly after that we started to become more involved in the organisational work of the steering group and we have volunteered in several different aspects, such as organizing the Film & Feast events, maintaining the website and contributing to social media activity.
We always found the Film & Feast events to be special as the format gives a chance for locals to meet each other and to get an insight in the environmental issues of Australia. Working with the steering group has given us the chance to learn about community building and to work closely with dedicated people who spend a lot of their free time on a cause that really matters to them. Apart from a chance to meet and socialize with warm and dedicated people, volunteering with Transition Bondi gives a great opportunity to be part of a worldwide movement and it can also be an opportunity for personal development.
It has been very rewarding on many levels to be involved with Transition Bondi. We are thankful for the chance given to us to get an insight in the organisational work, which will be useful for us in our future lives, wherever it may be. We really hope that Transition Bondi will thrive and that more and more Bondi locals will discover the organisation and dedicate some of their time to be part of the transition movement.
We will miss you!
Jonas and Gabriela