August is a season of mellow fruitfulness  At my home garden there’s been a lovely specimen of butternut pumpkin growing for months.  It’s been tucked away from most eyes, next to a lemon tree growing in a pot and supported on the vine, by sitting on the ground. The day finally came when neighbours –…

August News

August News

BE OUR DINNER GUEST | GARDEN COMP | ECO-FESTIVAL Head, heart and hands – that’s the mantra of the Transition Network, a positive, empowering movement that has spread organically via word of mouth and communities, both locally and throughout the world. Great conversations don’t happen by accident as we found out at our recent Guest…

July News

July News

PLASTIC FREE JULY  |  FIRST GUEST DINNER | BONDI FESTIVAL  |  NAIDOC  |  WINTER CROPS Plastic Free July (PFJ) is a big event on our sustainability calendar. ‘A world free of plastic waste’ was the ambition of Rebecca Prince-Ruiz, a waste expert from WA who challenged her local government colleagues to reuse single-use plastic items…

A recognition of Transition Bondi by the Waverley Local Hero Award

A recognition of Transition Bondi by the Waverley Local Hero Award

Last Monday 17th of May 2021, Kit Shepherd received the Waverley Local Hero Award in the Second Nature Category! Her dedication to Transition Bondi is nicely described in her kind words, which we would like to share with the broader Transition Bondi’s community: “This moment of ‘limelight’ on me is very much about acknowledging the…

A big thank you to our Buzzy Dig Day Participants!!

A big thank you to our Buzzy Dig Day Participants!!

At our April Dig Day in the Community Garden, we participated in the Autumn Wild Pollinator Count. Each of us spent 10 minutes staring at a flowering plant and counting which pollinators paid a visit. This humble task may seem inconsequential, but think again… thanks to your efforts and those of hundreds of others around…

Interview with Mathias Kassel – traffic planner

Interview with Mathias Kassel – traffic planner

There is no doubt that the transport sector is extremely carbon intensive and as such there are many debates currently focused around the electrification of vehicles, public transport, investment in road infrastructure, town planning and so on. Australia, in particular, has been slow to take on concepts other than individual car ownership. Miri, member of Transition Bondi…

Easter and Transition Bondi

Easter and Transition Bondi

Words by Kit I was once told religions generally contain the following common elements: Community (congregation) A sense of awe Ritual and ceremony Ethics and morality This information has stayed with me, and is a yardstick for me to view aspects of my public and private life against. These elements explain the parts of religion that…